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Frontline Interview with Caroline Jewell

Listen to Caroline- SPT SEN School Improvement Advisor on- Adapting our SEND Planning Framework

Caroline has been busy recording an interview with the PSHE Association on Adapting SEND Planning Frameworks. This is a really insightful interview exploring a range of approaches to using and adapting the PSHE planning framework from the PSHE Association. If you are a teacher PSHE Leader or interested in how to successfully adapt the framework for your setting, then this is a great way to find out how. 

Caroline is SEND Advisor to the Special Partnership Trust, having worked previously as a Headteacher. Based in the South West of England, the trust is made up of ten SEN schools and Area Resource Bases (ARBs). Since it was founded in 2016, the trust has championed a collaborative and innovative approach to education, and this extends to their PSHE education programme. 

Follow this link to listen to the interview: Frontline interview: Using and adapting the Planning Framework in a specialist educational trust