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Cornwall Outreach


Welcome to the outreach page for Cornwall. Following the success of the pilot outreach project ‘SIAG’ Special Partnership Trust have developed a traded model of outreach support for settings in Cornwall.

This service is now a paid for model which settings can pick from a range of offerings.

Our vision ‘is for a world where every single young person has access to the best education they need - delivered in the best possible environment - so they can thrive, succeed, and flourish no matter what circumstances they face.’

We have developed an outreach service that supports your setting to achieve this. Please click on the drop-down menus for more information on the different strands of our outreach service and to find out more about the successful SIAG project.

SEN Information and Advice 

Individual Pupil Outreach

Specialist Professional Development 

Organisational Development

Partnership Development & Managed Services

Innovative Provisions & New Builds

Celebrating the Success of SIAG; a Test and Learn Project in Cornwall

The success of the SIAG (Specialist Information Advice and Guidance) project in Cornwall has been overwhelmingly positive. With the project coming to a close, we are reflecting on what has been an excellent test and learn project.

SIAG was a project aimed at supporting mainstream schools to implement effective graduated responses by upskilling staff through specialist support. Funded by Delivering Better Value, the SIAG team have made waves across Cornwall since March 2024.

11,748 children supported so far

The SIAG team delivered advice, guidance and training on whole school strategies to support SEND in over 50 mainstream schools- both primary and secondary. The most common themes of support were communication, sensory and SEMH. 

Staff became empowered to use new and existing strategies, and the training and mentoring built staff confidence to make effective decisions to meet children’s needs, especially around behaviour.

Find out more about the success of the project and details of its impact in the case studies attached below. A further action research report will be posted here summer 2025 so watch this space!


What teachers and support staff found most useful about the outreach training delivered:

Thank you again for all your input. It really is appreciated and has set us on the right path to move forward.

…staff are more aware of the underlying reasons for some behaviours and for some members (the well-established staff) had a change in mindset about what the behaviour is telling you.

The training made people think and to be more curious and to look at things in a different way. …shift in mindset for support around behaviour to understanding need.

To access this service please fill in this short form or contact the Outreach Team to discuss further: / 01872 487 237 

Please note this is a paid for service and your setting can choose multiple options from the above menu of offerings to ensure the service meets the needs of your setting.