Our Governance
Whilst we have a clear legal framework that identifies the roles and responsibilities of each level of governance, this is a summary, in practical terms, of each of the key roles.
Are you interested in becoming a part of the Special Partnership Trust Governance?
Please see the 'Join the Team' page to find out more about joining us and to find vacancies. We are always interested in hearing from those who would like to support us and make a difference to children in Cornwall and Devon.
Members are in essence the guardians of the partnership; overseeing the strategic direction of the Trust, they will meet twice a year to scrutinise progress and developments.
Trustees have an active role in monitoring and determining strategy for all aspects of the Special Partnership Trust’s performance. Supporting, challenging and holding to account operational colleagues, CEO/CFO, for all aspects of performance and compliance.
Local Governing Body
The Local Governing Body have a single focus on school improvement in their local setting. They monitor, challenge and support schools in achieving outstanding learning. They represent the views and experiences of pupils, staff and families.
Chief Executive Officer, CEO
CEO The role is one of an Accounting Officer. They are responsible for all operational aspects of the Special Partnership Trust, working in partnership with, but accountable to the Trustees, in setting and implementing the strategic development of the Trust. They have direct responsibility for all aspects of safeguarding, performance and compliance. Responsible for developing enhanced provision and extending the partnership aligned to LA/RSC and EFA aspirations.
Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) has operational responsibility for all financial, commissioning, estate, health and safety, risk management, HR, core policies, grant and capital project management aspects of the Trust. Accountable to the CEO and Trustees with a key focus on compliance, efficiency and income generation.
Governance Manager/Clerk
Governance Manager/Clerk-this role ensures clear channels of communication and compliance are embedded, organising and publishing key documentation to stakeholders and ensuring governance process and protocol is adhered to, legal and compliant.